Summer Term 2 2019-20
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Despite blazing sun, driving rain and social-distancing, classes have now been able to meet their class teachers for next year, and do some fun sports games with EdStart.
This week, socially-bubbled Year 6 have been doing Identity Poetry and studying genetics with the help of the Mr. Men!
Still in their social bubbles, year 6 this week worked on STEM projects (paper planes and helicopters), playdough competitions and of course a bit of yoga for wellbeing!
Other activities are taking place for the Year 6 children under socially distant conditions - including PE with Joe Wicks, alongside our "normal" schoolwork. Year 6 are being brilliant and we are so proud of how they are handling this really weird situation. #legends
Year 6 (in their social bubbles!) drew sloths, created glasses and other fun activities for World Empathy Day