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Online Safety

In conjunction with our approved partners, we provide a cutting edge, safe environment for pupils to surf the World Wide Web.

Surf-protect, our industry-leading solution provided by Exa Networks, helps keep children's journey onto the internet appropriate. 

We endeavour to educate our children about the dangers of, and do our utmost to protect them from the following: 

  • Access to illegal, harmful or inappropriate content

  • Unauthorised access to / loss of / sharing of personal information

  • The risk of being subject to grooming or exploitation.

  • The sharing of personal images without an individuals consent 

  • Inappropriate communication with others, including strangers

  • Cyber-bullying

  • Access to unsuitable video / internet games

  • An inability to evaluate the quality, accuracy and relevance of information on the internet

  • Plagiarism and copyright infringement


We actively monitor our filtering system, downloading weekly logs and acting upon any anomalies in an appropriate manner.


Exa Networks Web Monitoring and Filtering Document



If you are worried about online safety, CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) is a government organisation who can provide advice and protection against the dangers of cyber bullying, grooming etc.


Click the button below to anonymously report an Online Safety incident.


Below, you can download various policies pertaining to staff and pupil use of computers, the internet and social networks. 

Online Safety Policy


ICT and Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Pupils' Acceptable Usage Policy


Social Networking Policy 

Esafety full size.JPG

Click on the poster for a full-sized version

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