Emotional Wellbeing
At St. Paul's, one of our main focuses in everything we do is emotional wellbeing.
As a school we are passionate that all children and adults need to be happy, healthy and able to cope with everything that life might throw at them. We teach resilience, confidence, positive self-esteem and coping mechanisms to all children in everything we do, as well as through our wellbeing curriculum. We also develop an understanding of emotions, self-control, good relationships and keeping healthy in mind and body.
We recognise that our mental wellbeing can change from day to day and that there are times in everybody's life when a little extra help or support might be required. As such, we have invested in support for pupils' social, emotional and mental health.
We now deliver a wide range of learning opportunities, support programmes and interventions - from whole class work on wellbeing issues to small group work, one-to-one sessions and intensive therapies if needed.
We work closely with a number of outside agencies such as CAMHS (Child the Adult Mental Health Service), the LSS (Learning Support Service), the Educational Psychology Department, School Nurse Service and others to ensure that we can provide the best experiences and support for all our children and adults. Through training and continuous professional development programmes, we now have a number of staff who have been trained to deliver therapeutic interventions and lessons across all year groups.
As a school we are currently working towards the Bronze Emotionally Friendly Schools Accreditation. This involves meeting a number of criteria around promoting emotional wellbeing for our children and staff as well as supporting individual children and families. For more information please visit www.emotionallyfriendly.co.uk/