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School Uniform

St. Paul's School Uniform Policy


The school uniform consists of the following:


  • grey skirt/pinafore or grey trousers - long or short 

  • plain white polo shirt 

  • red school sweatshirt or fleece (available from the school office) 

  • white socks, grey socks

  • sensible black shoes

In summer the children may choose to wear a plain white polo shirt or a 'gingham' dress. 

It is requested that all children wear school uniform, which looks extremely smart, and in the long run will withstand the rigours of work and play and prove to be most economical. 

Trainers must not be worn as daily footwear. They are unsuitable for prolonged use, especially for the growing feet of young children. Children may change into trainers at appropriate times but should wear sensible shoes in school. 

Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with your child's name.

As children progress through the school they will require the following PE kit:


  • plain black shorts, school branded or plain red T-shirts, pumps/trainers.

  • Tracksuits may be worn in cold weather.​

  • Swimming costume and towel in a bag (together with swimming cap) (KS2)

Children will require football kit and boots if they wish to attend football training. 
Please note that Bermuda-type or cycling shorts are unsuitable for PE, games or swimming. 

All clothing, sportswear, uniform, bags etc., must be clearly marked with your child's name. 

Current Price List


- School Sweatshirt - £9.50
- School Fleece - £18.00/£25.00
- School PE T-shirt - £5.50
- School PE Bag - £4.00
- School Book Bag - £4.50
- Water Bottle - £1.50


School Uniform can be purchased via our   ParentPay Uniform Shop


Pre-Loved Uniform


We have accumulated a selection of lost or unused uniform that pupils have grown out of and have been donated by parents.  We would like to offer our families access to free pre-loved uniform 'drop and share' and parents are encouraged to support this and recycle as many items as they can.  If you would like to collect some free pre-loved uniform for your children, please contact the office by email and mark it for the attention of Mrs Thompson, who will get in touch and make the necessary arrangements.


School Uniform Policy

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 St. Paul's CE Primary School


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St. Paul's CE Primary School, Crompton Street, Walkden, Manchester, M28 3HP    t: 0161 790 7468

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