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Spring Term 1 2019-20

(Please note: This page is best viewed using Google Chrome browser.)

DT Day included making dinosaurs in Year 2, and clay pot work in Year 3.

Year 4 performed amazingly at the Manchester Arena as part of Young Voices.

Year 3 learnt about the Japanese Cherry Blossom festival.

Each child in school painted a shell featuring our Christian Values.

Year 2 visited St. Paul's Church as part of their RE work.

Art Day in Year 3, sketching and using charcoal to create Greek-style vase designs.

Year 2 took their first sessions of Forest School.

We painted crosses for each class with Mrs. Moore.

Nursery children enjoyed being outside, investigating their local environment.

Year 3 used their Atlas skills to find flags and capitals of different countries.

Year 5 looked into Saxon artifacts with Del.

Year 6 enjoyed a session of 4 different activities based around the 'Diary of a Disciple'.

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